Clean Water Splash


Water all around

Discover all the amazing ways water is in everything around us and why it's better when moved.

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Under the Sea

Water Rediscovered

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Spheres & Radials

When new life is created, it starts out in small protective coverings like eggs or seeds. It needs sheltered time to grow. But it also needs water to energize the young plant or creature to eventually break out of its shell into the world. Move through the stages of protection and expansion.

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Fractals & Branching

People and plants have similar ways for water to reach from their tops to toes or roots to leaves. We breath air and drink water through our lungs. Plants pull their water and air up to their branches and leaves through roots in the soil. Learn from trees how important it is to stand tall so our nutrients can reach all the way up to our brain cells.

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Spirals & Helixes

Water loves to swirl in spirals, and naturally curves over land. We spin our clothes to wash and dry them, and water spins as it goes down the drain. The gel-like water inside uses our twists to reach every cell. Try spinning like a helix that starts low and stretches upward, or goes from higher to lower.

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Currents & Ripples

Water moves in every form, from underwater currents, to ice flows, to vapor in clouds. Lightening in a thunderstorm produces electricity. Our water inside also carries electricity that gives us powerful energy for free. Some creatures, like the sandhill crane, can swim in flowing water, ride the air currents, and dance and jump on the ground. Sample your personal electricity with any type of movement.

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Packing & Cracking

Water loves to combine when it gets the chance. Even bubbles, who are spheres on their own, group together by touching in several places. Combined water forms gain strength like our Hydration Heroes when they join together. They can also separate quickly, like ice when it cracks. Across the planet, no matter what form water takes in or outside of bodies, eventually it flows into the ocean that truly connects us all. Practice joining and releasing movements that match different music and feelings.

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Design By Nature

Sarasota, FL


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